7 Unusual facts about Sweden

Today we would like to introduce you to the home of Karlsson and ABBA.
Sweden, with its functional, mature, and stylish solutions in everything from the architectural layout and the way of life to its passers-by( oh, those extremely thought-provoking faces😂), is
ideally in line with IKEA’s vision: “better everyday life for the many people.”
And we guarantee that every visiting tourist’s life does get better😊 for the duration of the trip to the country.

Nevertheless, even being super-good, some things may seem relatively non-standard for foreigners.

🔹Multi-level underground stations.

Each direction doesn’t have its own side on the platform but its own floor. Distracted and unsure of navigation, people can successfully get lost running around this transport “layer cake.”

🔹Stylish pensioners.

You don’t see so many well-dressed and extremely stylish men and women of age even on fashion shows.

Note: The image is illustrative. Source: pinterest.com

🔹Unstoppable traffic.

The concept of ‘traffic light’ is very vague in the local streets. They won’t give you the road. “You want to live, know how to run a good red light.” So, be cautious and note that there are several separate roads for bicycles and cars.

🔹The unusual “portioning” of products.

For example, the cheese counter consists of packs of two types: 100g ( a one-time eat option) or a kilo. You choose.

🔹Focus on vegetarians.

You can see banners with veg menus in the middle of every fast food restaurant. At McDonald’s, you don’t have to scour the burger offerings for carrot or apple wedges. At least 3 options of meat alternative-based food are offered: a tofu-cottage/fish/double cheeseburger, all with no dairy sauce. By the way, did you know that the famous “Oatly” is a Swedish company? As we said, Swedish people know how to make a meat and dairy-free diet tasty?

🔹 Dog culture.

If you don’t have a dog and live in Stockholm, there’s obviously something wrong with you. At least that’s the impression one gets. From stylish pensioners to brutal businessmen – all are running by with leashes in their hands.

Hejdå✋ (Swedish: “goodbye”)

Lake Como Italy
The beauty of Lake Como

For everyone who plan to visit Italy and Lake Como not on the list, i think you need to revise all the plan. Just to make sure you wont missed the beauty of Lake Como. 

Lake como is a city in Italy, northern Italy, 25 miles (40 km) north of Milan. So, we decided to take 1 day trip to Lake Como when we were at Milan at that time. 

The journey takes between 36 minutes and 1 hour. Bought our TRENITALIA Train ticket from the machine at Milan Central Station and don’t worry there are lots of trains heading to Lake Como.

The ticket price is 5 – 15€ for one way and children under 6 are free. Make sure you arrive at the gate 10 mins before departure, because we were but you don’t need to buy a new ticket (as long as the destination remains the same). 

We already booked a hotel for a 1 night stay and we decided to choose a nice hotel. So our choice goes to Hilton Lake Como :).

When we arrived at Como Lago station, we already checked the route and planned to walk to the hotel from the train station. 

Como Lago station

This is the main road of Lake Como and it was so beautiful and so peaceful.  PS : the road and the public transport are stroller friendly. So, if you plan to visit Lake Como with kids, then its a YES!

Lake Como in Italy

Before heading to the city we managed to check the swimming pool first, and I hope we are on the same page, because for me the view so beautiful, almost burst the tears.

Hilton Lake Como, Swimming Pool

Then, after lunch time we went out and explored the city center. We bought a bus ticket from the parking machine nearby. We don’t have any specific plan but we are looking for Mcd ( LOL) because our toddler refuse to eat at the hotel. So went to the city centre and Como’s Old Town.

Explore Como’s Old Town

The next day, after breakfast and spend time at swimming pool, we manage to walking around the city before heading back to Milan. And I decided, this is the city that i wish to visit again someday.

So, we walked from our hotel and visit Villa Olmo but did not go inside, we just enjoying the breathtaking view from the garden. Villa Olmo was acquired in 1924 by the municipality of Como and today is open to the public only during exhibitions, while the lakeside gardens are freely accessible during the daytime.

So we walk through the the lake, my heart keep beating so fast and suddenly 1 day not enough to stay here. I need 7 days stay at Como. Hope to see you again Como :).

Lake Como, Italy.
Traveling in lagos Nigeria is adventurous

To start with, travelling gives us the opportunity to meet new people and get acquainted with their
customs and tradition. The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page. In other words, travelling teaches better than books. For example, a student of history can obtain a vivid account of history in historical monuments. Also, a foreign lanquage can be learnt easily and quickly by moving among the people who speak it. Built on water, oil and islands, Lagos is a get-rich loud-and-proud city, where drama unfolds on every corner and simply observing is not an option we have great hotels, chill spots, restaurants and also good art work places.Last but not least, memories can never fade. Travelling with friends and family creates so many memories that one day you will end up having no space in your brain. Few memories that you gain
can never be replaced or erased. Travelling to lagos Nigeria will make you speechless in the beginning and at the end you will become a storyteller.

Traveling in lagos is adventurous

Travelling plays an important part in making us feel relaxed and rejuvenated. It also brings positive changes in our life and keeps us alive and active. Travelling gives us practical experience of things we have studied in the books and surfed on the internet,So a person who does not travel at all does not find any meaning in the name of India Gate or Ganga River. However, if he has travelled to these places, he can truly relate everything he has studied and will always remember each and every detail of that place.Travelling has become easier due to advancement in technology and transportation.Earlier people use to travel by road or sea and it takes many days to reach from one place to another, however, now the scenario has changed and people travel to far off
places within hours and minutes-thanks to well-built roads and aeroplanes.
People travel for different purposes, some travel for the sake of education while others
travel to relax and enjoy. Many people take a break from their hectic schedule and go
for a vacation, this makes them feel delightful and also help them to invigorate.

Grenoble and Where To Eat?

Grenoble, one of the biggest cities in France, especially its vibrant ecosystem makes Grenoble a major destination for European students. In addition, there’re nearly 20 ski resorts surrounding Grenoble, which is right in the middle of 4 mountain chains with their own uniqueness. Beautiful nature, pretty city center, nice locals but somehow, it is still underrated among tourists. Delicious regional food is the fastest way to win someone’s heart. Then let me introduce some specialties of Grenoble!

  1. La Ferme à Dédé Grenoble

Anyone who knows the existence of Grenoble would know the restaurant named La Ferme à Dédé Grenoble. A family dinner restaurant serves real french food, even a not originated dish – hamburger, is cooked in a french way. With two locations, one is opened near the train station, ready to make someone just arrive full and happy, one is close to the old city center, surrounded by cute houses and amazing decoration.

2. La Tarteline

You know you will want a quick lunch after spending the entire morning climbing the mountain of La Bastille. Too hungry to wait? Let’s head to La Tarteline, where you can eat French tarte and only French Tarte. The restaurant is located right int the city center, nearby many others shop, including Galeries Lafayette. Both savoury and sweet tartes are available here, mostly stable, though they modify some choices on the menu accordingly to the seasons. So bear in mind if you couldn’t find your favour summer strawberry tarte in the snowy winter.

3. Crêperie de Gordes

Crepe is a French signature though it’s not fulfilling enough to be a meal, at least to me. Hence I recommend you to have it as a snack, or perhaps a dessert after a light lunch/dinner. Just like how La Tarteline is, Crêperie de Gordes also serves both savoury and sweet crepes even though savoury crepes are galettes, not particularly crepes. What make Crêperie de Gordes special is the view and the vibe of the restaurant. Since it’s located next to pretties park of Grenoble – Jardin de Ville, it provides customer with a calm environment and surroundings, make it easier to have a chat with friends and family. Grenoble has good weather, I would say most of the time, so take my advice into account, sit outside and enjoy the sun!

Kindly share your experience with these restaurant to other travellers. What did you order? And what’s your favorite one? Do you enjoy your time? Always remember, free water is served in most french restaurants!

How to survive Paris Public Transportation

Most travelers have done their research on transportation and how to go around such a great city as Paris. Though, as far as we all know, the city of light is indeed extremely dangerous. Hence, despite how convenient and efficient the metro and buses are, there are several things to bear in mind.


From the entrance of the metro station to the subway door, travelers, especially if you are doing it solo, need to stand far away from these spots. Thieves and robbers take that as a chance to steal from you when boarding during peak time. Sometimes, it could be worse as if that’s the only spot available. Then what you have to keep in mind is that NO PHONE ALLOWED. Approximately 3s of time is enough for a Parisian robber to take it away from you.


As we mentioned earlier, the crime rate is extremely high. Subsequently, a decent number of transport polices will be there to check your ticket randomly. It would be easy if you decided to use the metro card. However, given an example of a single ticket, if you threw it away after entry validation, there is no proof of your payment for the ride. The fine depends on different situations and you would never know how much you expected to pay. It ruined a lot of travelers’ experiences since they also have a language barrier to understanding the problem or perhaps dealing with the policies. An advance tip is that running away doesn’t help, they will track and find you anyway.


Taking the time of purchasing tickets into account, it is for sure a lot. Not to mention the time of walking up and down the metro train station and the energy to do such workouts these hot summers are devastated. People prefer to use the metro most of the time since they believe that buses are slow and oddly crowded. It’s actually on the flip side. Firstly, it’s rarely crowded while on the same metro route, people are pushing to enter. Secondly, less walking to most destinations is a saver for this intensely bright weather. Thirdly, you can buy a ticket on your phone by typing BUS and its number, which means a speedy method. Finally, it’s cleaner, not the Paris metro full of germs.

Last but not least, tips from this article don’t matter anymore on Sunday, even Saturday relying on the Parisian and their moods to protest, which we can’t predict. Slowly walk around, and enjoy the magnificent views of Paris on a chill Sunday or join a protest, like a true Parisian. It might be noisy though!

Kids friendly restaurant in Tallinn
Top 3 kids friendly restaurant in Tallinn

Life after kids is always full of surprises. But after few years of becoming parents, we tend to prepare and always choose wisely over something.

Sometimes, we also thinking a lot about the kids menu, sometimes we don’t really care as long as the kids happy and just enjoying the restaurant. But it will always nice to get everything in one place right? Good food + nice playroom = Happy kids = Happy parents 🙂

So, here few recommendation few kids friendly restaurants in Tallinn that we really love because they have a playroom :

  1. Vapiano Foorum

Calling all pasta lovers! The self service and open kitchen concept is quite interesting. Where you can order Pasta/Pizza/Risotto directly to the chef and watch them cooking in front of you. And the best part is, Vapiano has most comfortable playroom. You can sit and enjoy your meal while watching your kids in the playroom. Don’t forget to order 5€ pizza for your kids. I’m pretty sure kids will love it. 

Location : Vapiano Foorum, Hobujaama 10,  Tallinn

Playroom Vapiano Foorum

2. Lou Lou

This one I think is quite new in town and better make some reservations. The food was great, we went there for brunch and we really love the coffee. But, I didn’t see they had a kids menu and sometimes the order took a bit long. I hope their service is getting better by now. 

Location : Lou Lou Laeva 1, Tallinn. 

3. Babyback Ribs & BBQ

This restaurant is always the best choice when you go to Ulemiste Mall, on the 2nd floor. It’s like a hidden gem, because you can’t see the playground from outside. The food was always great and they also served kids meals. PS : Sometimes they will give us vouchers for the next visit. 

5 Interesting Facts About Mauritius

Mauritius is an island off the east coast of Africa. It is one of Africa’s smallest countries. It is over 65 kilometers long and 45 kilometers wide. Mauritius is a popular tourist destination due to its tranquil setting, exquisite hospitality, and natural reserves. The following section will now discuss five fascinating facts about the island of Mauritius.

  1. Mauritius is made up of many islands:

Mauritius is made up of the islands of Mauritius, its neighbor Rodrigues, and the offshore islands of Cargados, Carajos Shoals, and the Agalega Islands.

2. Mauritius was the only known habitat of the extinct Dodo bird:

The Dodo is a flightless bird that has long been extinct. The island of Mauritius is its sole known habitat. Mauritians adopted it as their national bird as a result of this. The extinction of these birds is blamed on Dutch immigrants who stumbled upon them around 1598. The last time the Dodo bird was spotted was in the 1660s. The author of “Alice in Wonderland,” Lewis Carroll, says he was inspired to create the novel after seeing a stuffed Dodo bird at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

The long-extinct Dodo bird

 3. Mauritius has been colonized by three nations over the years:

Mauritius was first inhabited by the Dutch from 1638 until 1710. From 1715 until 1810, it was colonized by France. From 1810 until 1968, it was colonized by Great Britain. It has been independent since 1968.

4. There is no national army in Mauritius:

In 2017, Mauritius was one of just four countries in the world that had no domestic or international wars with other countries, including neighboring countries. Mauritius’ tranquil environment allows it to survive without the necessity for a permanent army.

5. Mauritius is a highly-rated beach and honeymoon destination:

Mauritius is frequently named the greatest honeymoon location in the world. Its breathtaking beach at Trou Aux Biches was named the world’s greatest beach resort in 2011. One of Mauritius’ most renowned tourist locations is Chamarel’s seven-colored Earth, which comprises dunes of various colors caused by volcanic eruptions that cooled at different speeds.

Trou Aux Biches Beach
Seven-coloured Earth in Chamarel